Successor to the Mirage III and F1, the 2000-01 is the prototype multirole fighter used by the French air force from 1984. Its delta wing with slats and electric controls gives it a very wide speed range: from 158 km/h to Mach 2.2! More than 600 Mirage 2000s have been built, half of which for export, and have notably been used for combat in the Gulf (1990-1991), Bosnia (1992-1995), Kosovo, Libya (2011) and Mali (2013).

Dassault Mirage 2000
Engines: 11 Snecma M53-2 turbofan engines, 5.6 t thrust (8.5 t with afterburner)
Maiden flight: 18 september 1978
- Envergure : 9.13 m
- Longueur : 14.6 m
- Hauteur : 5.2 m
- Surface alaire : 38 m²
- Vitesse maximale : 2248 km/h
- Plafond pratique : 20000 m
- Distance franchissable : 1499 km
Cocarde Hall French military aviation